B. Johor, 1950
Segerak Series, 2015
Signed “Yusof Ghani” on lower right
Acrylic on canvas
61 x 45.5 cm
Private Collection, Kuala Lumpur
RM 12,000 – RM 15,000
The Segerak Series was a means which allowed Yusof Ghani to explore the human figure as a symbol of life, which he then masterfully transformed into abstract statements to depict humanity’s contrasting realities of struggle and victory, aggression and celebration, realism and fantasy. It’s a culmination of observations from his own experiences, travels and heritage that are the source of energy, movement and tension in which he captures through a combined expression of drawing and painting. The series Segerak is all about intensity, feeling, and coordinated movements. Although it has changed over time, the core idea that human needs, wants, emotions, and desires are a single force that motivates humanity and transcends space and time has not changed.