When cared for, authentic leather will last for decades and look as if it’s brand new even though you’ve had it for years. However, if left aside under certain temperatures and humidity conditions, it may start to grow mouldy. This will leave your leather goods with stains and wrinkles, making it look worn out overall. Nevertheless, we’ve curated some golden rules when it comes to cleaning and storing your leather goods. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more:
1.Determine how often you should clean your leather goods. If you’re using it everyday, you should clean it every two to three months. If you’re only using it on the weekends or for special occasions, then clean it once every six to nine months.
2.You can purchase a leather cleaning solution or opt for a natural homemade one by mixing one part distilled water with one part white vinegar. Reduce the amount of white vinegar if you’d like a light clean.
3.Create a foam with the solution and massage it onto your bag, cleaning both the inside and out.
4.Leave this to dry for a few minutes and proceed to apply a protection cream (that you can easily purchase from the store). Make sure to take precaution with frequently touched areas like the handle.
5.If you have leather goods that are more absorbent, you can opt to repeat the protection process a couple of times to ensure your leather is properly protected.
6.Dry for 10 minutes and wipe off any excess. Then, store it properly.
1.Store in a light proof or low light environment and try your best to avoid storing under direct sunlight as that can wear your leather out.
2.Wrap your leather goods with a dark and protective paper or cloth, or keep them in the protection drawstring bag that comes with your purchased leather good.
3.Avoid storing leather in damp closets. Try to store it in a place with about 50% to 55% humidity.
4.Do not wrap leather in plastic as this prevents the leather from breathing, causing it to form molds.
5.Avoid storing leather on cement floors or those that have been covered with carpet as cement flooring will release a considerable amount of moisture. It’s best to keep leather off the floor in general and on a high shelf
6.Separate oily leathers like harness, bridle or latigo from non-oily leather. You can do this by placing a barrier between the two when storing.
7. Ensure that the storage place is kept away from any kinds of animals, especially insects and pests as their urine and droppings will permanently damage the leather.
8.Try your best to avoid storing different types of leather separately. Study the tannage, colour and level of oiliness of your leather goods. You can store leather goods with the same characteristics into storage bins or shelves while separating those with different characteristics.