LOT 16
(B. Kelantan, 1938-2015)
Pantai Sabak, 2010
Signed and dated “ISMAIL MAT HUSSIN 2010” on lower right
75.5 x 158.5 cm
Private Collection, Kuala Lumpur
RM 55,000 – RM 65,000
This piece is a beautiful paradox – an everyday countryside occurrence that resulted into something that looks regal and grandiose.
With rich, vivid earthy browns, oranges and yellows, Ismail Mat Hussin captures once more the spirit of the East Coast with a sunny rendition and disposition of fishermen fussing with their net at the shoreline. The entire composition is filled with bright, earth colours, as if Ismail Mat Hussin is recapturing the glint and heat of the sun at that moment in time. It is heavy in detail, Ismail Mat Hussin-esque style, fine lines and thorough and scrupulous visual descriptions from the boats, to the people, to the sceneries in the background. The striking and welcome disruption of the batik design against the scene adds to the aesthetic value of this piece, making it truly a magnum opus.
Ismail Mat Hussin’s mentor was renowned artist Khalil Ibrahim. Despite learning batik skills and the art of picturing human figures from him, Ismail Mat Hussin’s work – especially the depiction of humans – is more realistic compared to Khalil Ibrahim’s mosaic-like appearance. Ismail’s painting’s can be found in various galleries, a few being PETRONAS, Bank Negara, ESSO, Maybank and the National Art Gallery of Kuala Lumpur.