KL Lifestyle Art Space (KLAS) had organised on July 29, the invite-only and exclusive launch of Khalil Ibrahim: The Art Journey, a book that explores the artist’s work of almost 60 years to the present. The launch was held in conjunction with the opening of the new KLAS gallery in Jalan Utara, Petaling Jaya. Khalil Ibrahim is widely regarded as one of the most remarkable, influential and renowned artists in Malaysia. Throughout his career, he has pioneered new approaches and transformed the boundaries and relationships of artist with the Malaysian modern and contemporary art scene.
The Khalil Ibrahim: The Art Journey book launch was tied in together with a retrospective exhibition, which was the most comprehensive effort ever devoted to the artist’s revolutionary legacy. The launch was attended by esteemed guests and officiated by Tan Sri Kamarul Ariffin. Other VIPS include Datuk Samson Anand George, Datuk Ramli Ibrahim and YB Gobind Singh Deo . Upon arrival, the guests were ushered in to admire the paintings and works of Khalil Ibrahim before the launch of the book and exhibition. The ceremony started off with a welcoming speech by Datuk Gary Thanasan followed by an officiating speech by Tan Sri Kamarul, who was then presented with a painting by Khalil Ibrahim and a book as a token of appreciation on behalf of the artist and KLAS.
To commemorate the event, Tan Sri Kamarul was then invited to leave his signature on the wall near the entrance to mark the opening of the new gallery as well. Guests were then served an al fresco buffet dinner with a wide variety of food choices on the rooftop area of the KLAS gallery. Friends and family of Khalil Ibrahim who attended the event in support of the artist’s great accomplishment were thrilled to be a part of the significant occasion. The KLAS team was also proud to be a part of the artist’s historic achievement.