Holiday festivities mean feasts of different food, especially with parties and reunions happening almost every week. It’s hard to resist binging on the mouth-watering buffet and the next thing you know, you feel bloated with a few extra pounds. When this happens, it’s better to get moving and turn the focus to losing some of the extra weight.

The good news is that most Americans only gain a little under 1 pound over the holiday period, much less than the assumed 5 pounds. But the bad news is that this extra weight won’t go away for the better part of the year if you don’t do something about it. To help patients with their post-holiday recovery, here are a few useful and easy-to-follow tips.

Don’t Skip Meals
This is one of the biggest mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight after the holidays. Skipping meals only makes a person feel hungry, making it hard to stick to a healthy diet plan. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so make sure it’s loaded with protein for the right appetite and energy to power through the day.

Drink More Water
Hydration helps relieve the feeling of hunger because whenever people think they’re hungry, they’re actually just thirsty most of the time. Drinking water also reduces post-holiday bloat, flushes out toxins, and improves overall health. Make it a habit to carry around a water bottle and drink a cup of water before every meal to easily reach the recommended daily water intake.

Skip Cocktails, Coffee, and Sugary Drinks
Remember that beverages also contribute to the daily calorie intake, so make sure to cut down on them. Reduce the coffee intake and avoid drinking sugary or alcoholic drinks. If you decide to drink alcohol, opt for those without added sugars like diet tonic water instead of cocktails and beer. Limit each drink to 100 calories per serving to help with weight loss.

Get a Full Night’s Sleep
Lack of sleep makes a person crave caffeine and sugary treats, which only adds to the unnecessary calorie intake. It also affects the concentration, energy levels, stress, and memory. Make sure to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep to have the energy and concentration needed to follow through with the diet plan.

Start Exercising (But Don’t Overdo It)
While it’s true that exercising is one of the best ways to burn the extra calories, it’s not wise to overdo it since it might lead to burnout or injury. Aside from helping with weight loss, physical activities also put a person in a positive mindset and help them make smarter food choices. Start exercising with the usual routine and slowly build it up over the next few weeks.

Choose Healthy Snacks
Instead of skipping snacks to reduce calories, choose healthy snacks to avoid feeling hungry and overeating. Low-calorie snacks like apple slices, almonds, baby carrots, or whole grain crackers help manage hunger and stabilize the blood sugar levels in the body.


A lifestyle disease in the modern era, ‘obesity’, means that the body mass index is above normal and the nutritional values in the body are not sufficient. One of the main reasons for obesity and being overweight is consuming genetically modified foods at a rate that our body cannot tolerate. In today’s world, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity cause weight gain, leading to obesity. Now it is time to take action.

By participating in TheLifeCo weight loss camp, you will healthily lose weight, cleanse toxins and strengthen your immune system with the right foods that will meet your body’s actual needs. We invite you to TheLifeCo weight loss center to achieve effective fast, sustainable and long term results in losing weight.

After an effective 4-21 Day program at TheLifeCo will not only achieve your weight loss goal but also increase your life quality to focus on your real goals in life. When you return home after your experience at TheLifeCo, you will have the best version of yourself with you!

Unlike other weight loss programs, our weight loss hotel is ready to have you by the whole of the year, whenever you want! The facility and team of experts are at your disposal year-round.

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